Interview FISE 2017 – Aurélie Godet, World Vice Champion in Wakeboard

We met Aurélie Godet, 13 years old but already 2016 World Vice Champion in Wakeboard Cable, at the 21st edition of the FISE WORLD SERIES MONTPELLIER.

Hi Aurélie, how are you ? How is your FISE going so far ?

“Hi! Well, it has been pretty good! I ride well, there is sun and it is hot so that’s cool.”

What do you think about this 21st FISE ?

“There are so much people! We are lucky to have a beautiful weather since the beginning so that’s great. There are more professional riders this year so the competition is very hard but I enjoy it.”

Did you see VOGO SPORT in the FISE app ?

“Yes I have seen the “Live and Replay” function in this app. I haven’t used it yet but I think it is very cool!”

You think it is useful for the audience ? The riders ?

“I think it is very useful for everybody! (laugh)”

Ok cool, we wish you good luck for the next round then. When do you finish ?

“Oh I have already ridden my final.”

How was it ?

“Well I ended up with the bottom in the water at every round (laugh)! I was a bit tired and with the level this year it was very difficult but I am still happy.”

Alright! Thank you Aurélie for your time and congratulations for your performances. See you soon!

“Thank you, bye!”

Interview by Thibaut Letteri, VOGO, May 27 2017.



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