VOGO à l’ «ACCELERATE : Connecting Sport & Innovation »

The ACCELERATE “Connecting Sport & Innovation” Workshop is an exclusive event designed to connect sport organisations and ground-breaking start-ups on a subject of particular interest. The unique aspect of this event is that the programme itself is designed to fit the specific needs of the international sporting environment.

Given the growing challenges to engage actively and successfully with spectators today, this year’s edition of ACCELERATre to be held on the 1st and 2nd February 2017 at the SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne, focus on fan engagement and media in international sport.

The organisers conducted more than 30 interviews with representatives of international sport federations and the media over the last few months in order to establish their current needs. The interview questions covered the three topics of (1) the evolution of fan engagement, (2) technological advancements and (3) the role of media in meeting those needs.

Invited start-ups like VOGO, speakers and moderators have then been carefully chosen, based on the interview results.

About ACCELERATE and this event : www.accelerate.events
About SwissTech Convention Center at the EPFL Lausanne : www.stcc.ch/home

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