VOGO and the Italian association AIAPC are partners!

What is the AnalistiAIAPC association?

AssoAnalistiAIAPC is the Italian Association of Soccer Performance Analysts, founded in 2016 to represent the italian Match and Performance Analysts of Soccer Industry in relationships with clubs and federations and to develop the Performance Analysis discipline in our Country with events, courses and seminars.

We created the largest network in Italy with professionals, clubs and universities for taking this sport applied science to the next level. Since its foundation, AIAPC certified over 1500 analysts, almost all currently operating in Italian football clubs.

In 2019, thanks to AIAPC’s union representation, the Antitrust Authority defined the Soccer Match Analyst not as a Coach (as hitherto supported by the FIGC, the Italian Soccer Federation) but as an “information and knowledge” professional consultant, a scientific researcher or scientist, part of the coaching staff of a club.

The FIGC thus amended its own regulations and this was the first major legal victory by the association in favor of the professional and scientific status of match analysts in Italy. 

Discover their website here: https://assoanalisti.it


Why did you choose to represent VOKKERO GUARDIAN STAFF communication solutions?

Mario SAVO, President of the association:

In our job, real time communication is essential. During the game, from our working location (in the terraces or in the press area from where we observe the game in a privileged way) we need to continuously communicate with the rest of the coaching staff on the bench, to give them our feedback from the height, where we can see better and evaluate any single tactical situation.

The VOKKERO GUARDIAN STAFF is a great tool to communicate in an efficient and professional way. This could be the difference between victory and defeat!


Why would you recommend VOKKERO to your colleagues, analysts, coaches, medical teams…?

Mario SAVO, President of the association:

It is a great improvement in the communication processes, it is a time-saver and a product that can help you make the right decisions in time to change the fate of the game. It is your choice, taking a decision now has benefits that taking the same decision 10 minutes later has not. You can have the best analysts but if you cannot communicate with them in real time and in a clear way, you would find the weaknesses in your strategy too late to provide an efficient response to it, it would be totally useless.


Zoom on Mario SAVO, President of the AIAPC AssoAnalisti and performance scientist:

I am specialized in Sport Performance Science and Performance Analysis.

I graduated in Analytics and Statistics in Italy and in Sport Science and Strength & Conditioning with ISSA (International Sport Science Association) in the USA (Phoenix, Arizona), with a final dissertation about Sport Science in American Football and Soccer. My research activity is targeted to Elite Sports Performance Science and Military-Tactical Performance and Conditioning Systems for creating elite athletes and perfect soldiers, connecting thousands of years of knowledge about war and sport strategy and tactics, human physiology and biomechanics in elite performance environments.

I am the winner of the “Players Player Award” at Manchester City Hack MCFC 2016, and currently the President of the AssoAnalisti AIAPC (Italian Association of Performance Analysis of Soccer)  and former member of the ISPAS (International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport as Applied Level 3). I also graduated as an American Football Analyst at FIDAF (Italian American Football Federation). I also lead as a lecturer Match and Performance Analysis Courses all over Italy in public Universities and private organizations, with many scientific publications, such as the italian handbook “Match Analysis in Soccer”.

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