VOKKERO has been integrated into the SNCF National Master Agreement

After more than 3 years of discussion, comprehensive test campaign and successfully validation, the SNCF supply our radio communication solutions to all their teams through some of their PPE* major providers.


Two customized kits, called VOKKERO ALPHA and VOKKERO OPTIMUM, have been especially designed to meet the demanding safety needs of SNCF staff.


During certain operations, such as tamping, ballasting, brush clearing or catenary work, the operators can use VOKKERO systems to clearly communicate while:

  • Keeping both hands free
  • Being equipped with protective headsets
  • Being equipped with filter masks
  • Being protected from surrounding noise (patented noise filter)


Many other advantages of VOKKERO solutions such as its ease of installation, its autonomy or its encrypted transmissions also contributed to the final validation of the products.

In addition to these major benefits, VOKKERO solutions also improve the comfort and the social link between the teams involved by reducing work efforts and constraints (less displacement to communicate, no need to shout to be heard), and reducing the risks of isolation provided by a permanent and instantaneous communication.


This National Master Agreement comes within a period where new hygiene and social distancing rules have been implemented for all workers. VOGO team has been involved since the beginning of the health crisis via the EasyCov project and is fully committed to assisting its clients and partners in complying with these new standards. The ergonomics and functionalities of VOKKERO systems contribute greatly to this. In addition, hygiene kits for all headset range are now available as well as a clear procedure for cleaning and disinfecting the equipment.


We are pleased and proud to be part of and serve the great railway family. We remain at the disposal of all SNCF agents and safety managers who contact us on a daily basis but also of all the other companies in the railway industry who want to benefit from the comfort, safety and numerous advantages of the VOKKERO system.


*PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

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