Vokkero on the railways with Colas Rail

Colas Rail has selected Adeunis RF’s skills in electronics and audio communication for its brand new safety helmet version 2.0 called Oscar.

The safety of its workers is a major issue for Colas Rail:
80% of Colas Rail’s track maintenance is carried out at night. Teams work on closed tracks, very often alongside tracks that are in use.

With the encouragement of its CEO, one of Colas Rail’s most ambitious projects in the last 10 years in terms of staff safety has just seen the light of day. It concerns the production of an extremely sophisticated helmet, of innovative design, including audio communication functions suited to a noisy environment, integrated LED lighting and an alternating current indicator.

This technological challenge was taken up by a group of French actors, carefully chosen by Colas Rail and Bouygues e-Lab (project manager) for their business expertise: 
• ENSCI for the design of the helmet.
• VapéRail for the plastic.
• And finally, Adeunis RF for the electronics.

Adeunis RF’s experience and expertise in the area of audio communications in sensitive environments (Vokkero® range) and RF made the choice of this partner an easy one for Colas Rail and e-Lab.

The Oscar project, one of the purposes of which is to embody the future of Colas Rail, is a major enterprise project for this world leader in railway activity.

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