The Vokkero® Squadra communication system for referees increases from 6 to a maximum of 8 users, to meet SerieA needs in Italy.

The appearance of Goal Line Technology * (GLT) in the professional football refereeing world has generated a new need for the Vokkero® Squadra audio communication system, with which all the actors in this field are equipped: they receive the “GOAL” signal in their earpiece and are thus informed in real time whether the ball has gone over the goal line or not.

In the case of the English Premier League or the German Bundesliga, this was child’s play because refereeing teams are composed of four people. All that was necessary was to connect a 5th Vokkero® Squadra radio device to the GLT system and the job was done.

In the case of SerieA, the challenge was much more difficult because before adopting GLT, the Italian federation had already introduced refereeing using six officials. To add a 7th device, Vokkero® Squadra’s capacity had to be boosted, something Adeunis RF achieved in record time so that the system could be introduced as early as possible in the season. To anticipate future needs, the system’s capacity was even increased to a maximum of 8 users.

We are betting that this new version of Vokkero® Squadra will be of interest to more than one federation, for football or other sports!

(*): “Goal Line Technology” is an electronic system to assist refereeing, used to determine conclusively whether a ball has crossed the goal line completely or not.

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