Polo referees equipped with VOKKERO systems for clear communication and fair decisions

Polo referees, both on horseback and on the pitch, use VOKKERO audio systems to communicate smoothly and in real time.

The customer

The Polo Club du Domaine de Chantilly is France’s 1st Polo Club, with 9 fields. Incorporating a Polo school and hosting 50 tournaments throughout the year, including the French Open in September, it is both a venue for world-class competitions and a haven of happiness for amateur riders who have adopted the most ancient of team sports. It is also the headquarters of the French Polo Federation.

The brief

Polo games are played on a very large field, equivalent to 4 soccer pitches. Two referees on horseback officiate at games, as well as a chair referee at the edge of the pitch. The refereeing team needs to communicate in real time to make the right decisions throughout the game.

The deployed solution

The French Polo Federation and the Polo Club du Domaine de Chantilly have purchased VOKKERO audio communication system kits to equip referees for tournaments held throughout the year on the Club’s 9 fields. Each mounted referee wears a VOKKERO audio communciaiton system, positioned in an armband, harness or belt, and connected to a headset with earpiece and microphone. The chair umpire is also equipped with a terminal, usually on his tablet. The VOKKERO kit enables the refereeing team to deploy the equipment quickly and independently from the edge of the pitch, just minutes before the start of the match.

The result

Practical and comfortable for the rider referee

The VOKKERO terminal is compact and perfectly adapted to the constraints of a rider referee. In just a few minutes, it is installed and tested by the 3 match officials.

Clear communication in real time

The VOKKERO’s noise filter eliminates all extraneous noises such as wind, player chatter and spectator cheering, enabling referees to communicate without shouting from one end of the pitch to the other.

Fair and just refereeing decisions

The VOKKERO’s full duplex allows the 3 referees to talk together, without interrupting each other and without limiting the exchange to one direction as with a walkie-talkie. This allows decisions to be made quickly, without slowing down the game, whose 8-minute quarters go by extremely quickly.

The VOKKERO audio system has become an indispensable tool for our refereeing teams. Deployed at Chantilly and also at the Paris Polo, it now accompanies federal referees at numerous competitions. It’s easy to install and performs well in an outdoor sports environment constrained by pitch size and weather conditions.

Philippe Perrier,
General Manager of the Polo Club du Domaine de Chantilly and DTN of the French Polo Federation.

The solutions we use

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Elite Sport Solution audio

VOKKERO ELITE, world leader in audio communication systems for sports refereeing.